We host monthly beach cleanups at Kahuku Beach to remove trash, with a focus on microplastics.
At the Shop, shells and sea glass are up-cycled into jewelry, and marine debris is used to further raise awareness through artivism.

Kauila Necklace
One Hawaiian legend tells of Kauila, a giant turtle goddess who would transform into a human girl to play with and protect the Keiki (children) playing along the shore of Punalu’u. As the children played, they would see bubbles rising from its depths and say that was Kauila sleeping.
Art Collection
Support our mission with every purchase!
Introducing Loli the Mega Sifter! Named after the Hawaiian word for sea cucumber, Loli embodies the essence of change and influence. Designed by Ken G. Kosada for an innovation contest, this sifter is so user-friendly that even kids can operate it. Simply feed dirty sand in one end, and watch as Loli spins, separating the trash into a bin while returning clean sand back to the beach. With Loli, sifting for microplastics becomes faster and more enjoyable than ever!